
Ubuntu : Ubuntu 18.04 Extranet Mount Disk On Qnap Show

****** Not Work ไม่สำเร็จ CIFS VFS ยังขึ้นอยู่ ******

Ubuntu : Ubuntu 18.04 Extranet Mount Disk On Qnap Show CIFS VFS: Free previous auth ในหน้าจอ

Install cifs-utils
  1. sudo apt install cifs-utils

Create credentials file
  1. cat > ~/.smbcredentials


  1. sudo chown root ~/.smbcredentials
  2. sudo chmod 600 ~/.smbcredentials

Get UID for plex user account
id -u sa

I'll be using 1000 as the UID for this example
edit fstab file
  1. nano /etc/fstab

Note ip, sharename and username have been changed for privacy. Also vers=3.0 was set because that is the version of samba I have set on my nas.

Old Code
  1. #//  /BACKUP/BackupToQnap  cifs username=myusername,password=mypassword  0  0
  2. New Cose
  3. // /BACKUP/BackupToQnap cifs vers=3.0,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/sa/.smbcredentials,uid=1000 0 0

Load the new mount point
  1. mount -a

Test reboot จะไม่มีข้อความขึ้นอีก

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